Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Visit to Heron Island!

Day Three of our "Stay-cation" on Lake Wylie! Early this morning, Tony and I fixed a pot of coffee and headed over to see the herons nesting on the little island at the mouth of Nivens Creek. We arrived shortly after 6am. The herons were just waking up, pestering one another until several flew off for friendlier space.

We anchored the boat (or so we thought) to watch the sun come up and the herons do whatever herons do. Our anchor didn't seem to hold, and we drifted quite a way from our ideal vantage point. We then noticed that the problem wasn't the anchor, but the rope! Tony had used an extension rope . . . and that was all that was attached to the boat. The anchor was somewhere on the bottom of the lake.

We moved and drifted, moved and drifted. Meanwhile, the sun rose a bit and lighted up the top of the trees where the herons were nesting. More photo opps!

Tony spotted what he thought was a turtle in the water. Turned out it was our anchor rope! What brilliant person thought to design a floating rope?? What a great idea! We rescued our anchor, shot a few more photos, and headed home for breakfast.

What a beautiful morning!

To read more about living on Lake Wylie, gardening in Lake Wylie, and Lake Wylie real estate, visit our website, The Lake Wylie Man!

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