Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Back to the Real World

We ended our Lake Wylie "Stay-cation" in a wonderful way - - a couple of our bestest best friends drove up from Shelby, and we spent the afternoon and evening playing cards, eating some delicious barbecued ribs, then taking a moonlit boat ride. Of course, winning at Euchre made me particularly happy! Good friends, good times!

With every vacation, Monday cometh. The good news is that I didn't have a bunch of unpacking to do, we weren't out of milk, and we weren't tired and sore from driving all day! True, I became accustomed to a mid-afternoon nap, so that'll be an adjustment. But all in all, our stay-cation was a resounding success!

In case you'd like to try a stay-cation, I have a few tips to share:

1) Plan ahead to take off work. Just as you would before a "normal" vacation, work yourself silly the week before so that you don't have to think about it when you're off. Particularly for those who have a home office, it takes some serious self-discipline to refrain from "just answering a few emails" or finishing up a project or two. Consider: if you wouldn't do it on a "normal" vacation, don't do it on a stay-cation.

2) Tell people you're on stay-cation! Let them know it is a special week, and routine tasks must wait. No phone calls to discuss fundraising projects coming up in the fall, no homeowner meetings, no mundane errands. I found everyone very respectful our our "time off".

3) Plan your menu & grocery shopping. Just as you would for a week at the beach, try to buy ahead for your stay-cation. Splurge on fun food, easy to prepare, and favorites. Incorporate eating out, if you enjoy that. Even though we made some alterations in our planned menu for the week, I found that having our nightly meals decided in advance really reduced stress!

4) Don't count calories, fat grams, or cost per meal. You're on vacation. Enjoy.

5) Enjoy attractions and activities in the area. Check out Local Lake Wylie Events and do some things you've always wanted to do, but never have. Spend a day or two visiting local parks or museums.

6) Stay home & relax! Be sure to have lots of downtime. Don't be tempted to "get a few things done around the house." Just chill. It'll all wait. Leave all unnecessary chores for later.
7) Do move around a bit. Take a walk or a bicycle ride. Take advantage of lighter weekday crowds on hiking trails or on the lake. Go waterskiing in the early morning!
8) Include friends or family in your fun. I know two families who stayed in town one year, and actually shared one of their homes all week, just as they would have if they went away and rented a place.

9) Realize a vacation is more than a place; it's a state of mind.

It's easy to enjoy a stay-cation in a place as wonderful as Lake Wylie. With a little planning, and a little self-discipline, you'll find that it may be one of the best "vacations" you'll ever have!

Thanks for reading my blog. If you'd like to read more, please visit my Gardening in Lake Wylie blog, Events and Activities in Lake Wylie, and other blogs about living in Lake Wylie and Lake Wylie Real Estate.

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