Saturday, July 5, 2008


Hope everyone had a fantastic 4th of July!

So many activities to choose from in Lake Wylie: Tega Cay's annual all-day celebration with a parade, ski show, fish fry, and fireworks; special events and fireworks at Carowinds; the spectacular fireworks display at the Buster Boyd Bridge; and many private picnics and parties up and down the lakeside.

We joined our neighbors for a cookout, enjoying some perfectly ripened watermelon, hand pattied burgers, Sandy's fabulous salad & homemade garlic dressing, authentic American baked beans, macaroni salad, and ice cream!

Fireworks were looking doubtful as a thunderstorm rolled in around 7pm. (Doesn't it seem that we ALWAYS have a thunderstorm on the 4th?) As it turned out, we had about 2 drops of rain, then the clouds moved on.

Shortly before 9pm, a brave few piled aboard our boat to motor up to the Buster Boyd Bridge. We joined a parade of other boats making the same trek, traveling along a corridor with "home variety" fireworks being launched from either side of the lake. Boats speeding down the water looked like fireflies as the sky darkened.

As we neared the bridge, we slowed down to the speed just above "idle", avoiding parked boats as far as the eye could see. Finally we parked and tossed the anchor. (Thank goodness we still had an anchor!) We were maybe half a mile from the bridge.

We waited about 25 minutes for the start of the show. I was grateful I'd taken seasick medicine, because, with all the boat traffic, it felt like we were on the Atlantic ocean! As the fireworks began, the boats settled down and so did the waves. The fireworks did not disappoint, and we were treated to a show that lasted a little more than 20 minutes.

The firework finale was accentuated by the roar of cranking motors and the smell of gasoline as everyone frantically pulled in anchors and turned their watercraft towards home. Since we were towards the outskirts of the crowd, we needed to get underway as quickly as possible to avoid being trampled, or whatever it is that speeding boats do to those in the way.

My husband Tony captained our boat, and First Mate Tom kept an eye out for incoming vessels. "One coming up starboard! Big and fast!" he'd call out. "Two on portside, keep it straight!" Tony battled the Class 5 rapids, trying to keep the boat at an angle that wouldn't throw us into a porpoising manuveur. Tom stood behind him, gripping the overhead rail and continuing to call out enemy positions. All passengers hunkered down, quiet and tense. Okay, maybe it was just me that was tense. The kids were having a blast.

As we neared Goat Island and turned into Allison Creek, traffic had thinned considerably. Finally we turned into our cove, and heaved a sigh of relief. Next year's plan? Optimally, arrive near the bridge an hour or so earlier, tie up and relax. After the fireworks, wait 20 minutes or so until the boat maniacs get out of the way, then putter on home! Of course, if we encounter the annual tradition of a 4oJ thunderstorm, all bets are off!

Thanks for reading my blog. If you'd like to read more, please visit my Gardening in Lake Wylie blog, Events and Activities in Lake Wylie, and other blogs about living in Lake Wylie and Lake Wylie Real Estate.

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