Sunday, June 29, 2008

Stay-cation on Lake Wylie

When I was a young teenager, we lived in Nashville, Tennessee. Every summer we'd make the trek to South Carolina and spend a week or two with my grandparents, who lived in Rock Hill. They had a place at "The River" - - an old shack that they'd built in the 50's on land leased from Duke Power. Of course, now we know "The River" as "Lake Wylie", and only a few of those precious river shacks remain.

Anyway, we had a lot of good times at the river. My grandparents' shack only had one small bedroom, which served well as a napping place for younger siblings. A couple of summers we rented a larger cabin so the whole family (there were seven of us) could stay the week, and that was a real treat! We were able to watch the sunrise over the water, and could be the first on the lake in the mornings. There was nothing better than waterskiing on the glassy surface of the early morning lake!

Now my family is fortunate enough to live on Lake Wylie. With the distractions of every day life, laundry to do, errands to run, email to answer, and (oh yeah!) JOBS, it is rare that we take advantage of weekday mornings on the lake. That's why, this year, we decided to have a "stay at home" vacation.

Take off work, don't do chores, don't schedule dentist appointments, just live like we packed up and rented a lakeside cabin for the week. We may answer the phone, we may not. We might go out to eat, we might stay in and grill. A trip up the lake to T-Bonz is definitely on the agenda.

I might record our adventures on this blog, I might not. Whenever I go to the beach on vacation, I always read quite a bit and often write in a journal. So I figure, blogging is part of a vacation. If I feel like it.

Yesterday we prepared for our week of leisure. We caught up on all the laundry, mowed the lawn, gassed up the boat, and stocked up on vacation food at BJ's. I even bought the big variety cereal package with all the minature boxes of highly sugared cereal. We're all set!

Stay tuned!

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